Ngā Hautaka



  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Jeyakumar, P., Pullanagari, R., Reeves, R., Rae, A., Procter, J.N., 2023: Remote exploration and monitoring of geothermal sources: A novel method for foliar element mapping using hyperspectral (VNIR-SWIR) remote sensing. Geothermics 111: 102716. DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2023.102716
  •  Walsh, B., Lormand, C., Procter, J., Williams-Jones, G., 2023: Characterizing the evolution of mass flow properties and dynamics through analysis of seismic signals: Insights from the 18 March 2007 Mt. Ruapehu lake-breakout lahar. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(3): 1029-1044. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-23-1029-2023
  • Kaiser, L. H., Kenney, C. M., Phibbs, S. R. (22 October, 2022). Indigeneity and Emergency Management: An Emic ‘Gaze’ on the Role of Traditional Knowledges and Cultural Practices in Emergency Management Contexts. Available at SSRN: or 
  • Mead, S.R., Procter, J.N., Bebbington, M., Rodriguez-Gomez, C., 2022: Probabilistic volcanic hazard assessment for national park infrastructure proximal to Taranaki Volcano. Frontiers in Earth Science 10: 832531. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.832531
  • Tan, M., Becker, J., Stock, K., Prasanna, R., Brown, A., Kenney, C. & Lambie E. (2022).  Understanding the social aspects of earthquake early warning: A literature review. Frontiers in Communication, 7, August, 1-17, DOI:10.3389/fcomm.2022.939242
  •  Whitehead, M.G., Bebbington, M.S., Procter, J.N., Irwin, M.E., Viskovic, G.P.D., 2022: An initial assessment of short-term eruption forecasting options in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2022.2080236
  • Cronin, S.J., Zernack, A.V., Ukstins, I.A., Turner, M.B., Torres-Orozco, R., Stewart, R.B., Smith, I.E.M., Procter, J.N., Price, R., Platz, T., Petterson, M., Neall, V.E., McDonald, G.S., Lerner, G.A., Damaschcke, M., Bebbington, M.S., 2021: The geological history and hazards of a long-lived stratovolcano, Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 64: 456-478. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1895231
  •  D'Mello, N.G., Zellmer, G.F., Negrini, M., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., Stewart, R., Prior, D., Usuki, M., Iizuka, Y., Deciphering magma storage and ascent processes of Taranaki, New Zealand, from the complexity of amphibole breakdown textures. Lithos 398-399: 106264. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106264
  • Kenney, C., and Phibbs, S. (2021). Indigenous Communities and Climate Change: Situating culture, identity and place in climate change risk mitigation and resilience In W. Filho, J. Luetz & D. Ayal (Eds.). Handbook of Climate Change Management. New York: Springer Nature (published online) 
  • Kósik, S., Németh, K., Danišík, M., Procter, J.N., Schmitt, A.K., Friedrichs, B., Stewart, R.B., 2021: Shallow subaqueous to emergent intra-caldera silicic volcanism of the Motuoapa Peninsula, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand – New constraints from geologic mapping, sedimentology and zircon geochronology. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 411: 107180. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107180
  • Leonard, G.S., Cole, R.P., Christenson, B.W., Conway, C.E., Cronin, S.J., Gamble, J.A., Hurst, T., Kennedy, B.M., Miller, C.A., Procter, J.N., Pure, L.R., Townsend, D.B., White, J.D.L., Wilson, C.J.N., 2021: Ruapehu and Tongariro stratovolcanoes: a review of current understanding. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 64: 389-420. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2021.1909080
  • Procter, J., Zernack, A., Mead, S., Morgan, M., Cronin, S., 2021: A review of lahars; past deposits, historic events and present-day simulations from Mt. Ruapehu and Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 64: 479-503. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2020.1824999
  • Ramadhani, F., Pullanagari, R., Kereszturi, G., Procter, J., 2021: Mapping a cloud-free rice growth stages using the integration of proba-v and sentinel-1 and its temporal correlation with sub-district statistics. Remote Sensing 13(8): 1498. DOI: 10.3390/rs13081498
  • Rodriguez-Gomez, C., Kereszturi, G., Reeves, R., Rae, A., Pullanagari, R., Jeyakumar, P., Procter, J., 2021: Lithological mapping of Waiotapu Geothermal Field (New Zealand) using hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing and ground exploration techniques. Geothermics 96: 102195. DOI: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102195
  •  Rushton, A., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C. & Anderson, C. (2021) I wouldn’t trade this country of ours for anything’: Place, identity and men’s stories of the Kaikōura/Waiau earthquake. Social and Cultural Geography.
  • Rushton, A., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C., & Anderson, C. (2021) "She’ll be right”: The place of gendered emotions in disasters. Gender, Place and Culture.
  • Yumagulova, l., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C., Yellow Old Woman-Munro, D., Cardinal Christianson, A., McGee, T., & Whitehair R. (2019): The role of disaster volunteering in Indigenous communities, Environmental Hazards, 20, 45-62

Book chapters

  • 2023
  • 2022
  • Kenney, C., Phibbs, S., Meo Sewabu, L., Awatere, S., McCarthy, M., Kaiser, L., Harmsworth, G., Harcourt, N., Taylor, L., Douglas, N., and Kereopa, L. (2023). Indigenous Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Sustainability, and Climate Change Resilience. In S. Eslamian & F. Eslamian (Eds). Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience - Climate Change and Disaster Risk Mitigation (pp 37-60). Springer, Cham
  • Kaiser, L. & Kenney, C. (2022). Tangata whenua Responses to Climate Change. In S. Maclellan, M. Forster, R. Hazou, D Littlewood, C. Neill (Eds). Tū Rangaranga Rights Responsibilities and Citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand (pp.141-160). Palmerston North: Massey University Press.
  • Kenney, C (2022). Na Ara Ahurea: Envisioning Collaborative Governance in Disaster Risk Reduction in Aotearoa. In H. James R. Shaw, V. Sharma, & A. Lukasiewicz (Eds.). Risk, Resilience and Reconstruction: Science and Governance for Effective Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery (pp.37-54). Singapore:  Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kenney, C. (2022). 6.1 Learning from Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing (77-81). In UNDRR (ed). GAR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction Our World at Risk: Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future. Geneva: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Phibbs, S. & Kenney, C. (2022). Indigenous Responses to Natural Hazard Events. Tara McGee [Ed].  Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society (273-286). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Phibbs, S. Kenney, C. and Solomon Tā (Sir) M. (2022). Māori Community Response and Recovery following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence. In S. Uekusa, S. Mathewman, and B. Glavovic (Eds). A Decade of Disaster Experiences in Christchurch (Ōtautahi), New Zealand: Critical Disaster Studies Perspectives (pp. 187-210). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pty Ltd  


  • 2022
  • Kenney C. (2022). Culture and Climate: An exploration of Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences and Perspectives of Extreme Weather.  Global Weather and Society Conference, Feb 28 - March 11.
  • Kenney, C. (2022). Indigenous Peoples and Inclusivity: Considerations for Disaster Risk Reduction Science and Technology. 2022 UNDRR Asia Pacific Science and Technology conference for Disaster Risk Reduction, Manila, Philippines, 7-8 April.
  • Jackson T; Kenney C; Boston J; Freeman L (2023). Beyond Growth - How to create an economy that doesn’t cost the Earth. Royal Society Te Apārangi & British Council. Wellington, New Zealand, 6th July.
  • Phibbs S. (2023). What can we learn from the Titanic? Disasters and the social patterning of adverse outcomes. University of the third age (U3A). Palmerston North, New Zealand, 13th June. 

Visual Presentations

  • 2023
  • Taylor L. (2023). Maori Resilience & Resistance: Are the resource management system reforms fit for Our purpose? Mātauranga Māori & Science Research Symposium. Whakatane, New Zealand, 10th May. Link to Lara’s presentation video
E Oho! Awakening Aotearoa
E Oho! Awakening Aotearoa